The Better Market Street Project aims to improve the experience for everyone using the City’s busiest corridor for transit, pedestrians and bikes. Among other elements, the project proposes four changes to how commercial and passenger loading would function along Market Street, the first three of which were already been implemented as part of the project’s quick-build phase in early 2020:
New private vehicle restrictions were implemented that would limit loading along Market Street to commercial vehicles, taxis, and paratransit only. Other passenger loading, such as from Transportation Network Companies like Lyft and Uber are required to occur at new passenger loading zones on nearby streets intersecting Market Street.
Hours for loading zones have been restricted to reduce conflicts with people bicycling during peak bicycle commute times; for example, use of the loading zones along the southern side of Market Street is prohibited between the hours of 6:00am and 9:30am when eastbound bicycle traffic is at its peak.
Over 100 new passenger commercial loading zones on side streets near Market have been installed. These new zones are designed to provide adequate space for more loading activities to occur off of Market Street.
NOTE: the design of loading bays under future phases of construction for other segments of Market Street are still to be determined.
More Information
If you have specific questions about Better Market Street loading proposals or want to request hard copies of the loading maps, please contact:
Michael Tamin
(415) 646-2044
Click here to download the
Better Market Street: